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Student Responsibilities

Here you can learn about the responsibilities of Leadership students and the different positions within Leadership. More information on the structure of leadership can be found here

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  • Leadership is a year-long, one-credit course
  • At the beginning of the year, we all jump head-on into Spirit Week prep. Students are assigned to a project group, and are responsible for the execution of that event.
  • After Spirit Week, students are assigned to various other project groups spaced throughout the year.
  • Grades for project groups are based on organization, record-keeping of your work, effort, use of class time, and execution. 
  • Later in the year, students may shift to Pathways. Pathway projects are individual passion-projects, in which students identify an interest of theirs in the community, and what they can do to improve it. 
  • ​"Hours" also factor in to students' grades. Each student needs 25 hours per quarter. Hours can come from a variety of places, such as:
    • Leadership project work​
    • attending Leadership events
    • community service
    • attending WAHS sporting events
      • games or your own practices​
    • club meetings/activities
  • 25 hours may seem daunting, but being involved in Leadership makes this totally manageable 

Class Officers

  • All Class Officers (COs) are in a Leadership class period
  • During Spirit Week, there are certain responsibilities for COs instead of project groups, including:
    • Planning hallway decorating​
    • Recruiting artists from their grade
    • Planning the mural
    • Promoting dress-up days
    • Recruiting participants for activities (pep rally games, kinda karaoke, etc.)
  • In general, COs fundraise for their grade throughout the year.​
  • ​"Hours" also factor into COs' grades. Each CO needs 30 hours per quarter. Hours can come from all the places listed above. 
  • Many CO-specific activities such as fundraising will earn Class Officers hours as well.

Executive Council

  • All Executive Council members (EC) are in at least one Leadership class period, and many serve as Teacher's Assistants (TAs) for another.
  • EC are the highest ranking students
  • Like COs, EC members do not get assigned to specific project groups during Spirit Week. Instead they: 
    • Oversee all of hallway decorating​
    • Assist each grade's COs in organization, etc.
    • Coordinate with admin
    • Help to plan and execute large-scale projects such as:
      • Money Drive​
      • Pep Rally
  • EC are usually involved in every project--at least in some capacity
  • EC members spend a lot of time during the summer, outside of class, and before and after school on Leadership projects
  • EC develops a strong relationship with administration throughout the year
  • ​"Hours" also factor into EC members' grades.
  • Each student needs 35 hours per quarter. Hours can come from all the places listed above
  • EC spends so much time on Leadership work beyond class that 35 hours is easily obtainable.
  • Students serving as TAs do not receive a grade for that period.

Who makes up this year's Executive Council and Class Officers? Find them here.

All of Leadership

  • All Leadership students represent the school
  • Students are given a lot of freedom in Leadership, and are responsible for respecting the autonomy they are given
  • Leadership student are the bridge between admin and the student body, and need to act as such
  • Student are responsible for maintaining Leadership's good reputation, and for not abusing their freedom
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