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Clubs have a large presence at Western. There are over 60 clubs available, and if one of those is not the one for you, you can always start your own. Clubs have the opportunity to meet most Fridays at WAHS, but are not required to, and contribute to the work-hard-play-hard atmosphere Leadership aims for.


There are clubs that range from more serious topics, like community service and activism, to less serious, like the ultimate tic-tac-toe club.

How To Start a Club

Starting a club is super easy. Find a faculty sponsor who is willing to lend you their room for meetings and provide general oversight. Early in the school year club applications will be available outside of B201 (Ms. Miracle's room). After club applications are in, there will be a club fair! This is a chance to share your club with the school and recruit members. The biggest responsibility of being a club leader is making yourself available and communicating with Ms. Tyler (the administrator in charge of clubs) for your activity and fundraising needs.

Promote Your Club

Do you want to promote your club and reach hundreds of people? Well, now you can! Using this link, you can upload your promotional video to our drop box which we will add to the morning announcements. Make your video unique and eye-catching, to make sure you stand out. Have fun!

How To Manage a Club


Make sure you stay in contact with your club members! Collect emails in your sign-up form, and any other contact information you need. Some clubs like to set up a Remind to facilitate easy communication. It's a good idea to notify your club when you're going to meet so that they know to look for it in Adaptive Scheduler. Club leaders may find some of the Leadership Resources helpful when sending google forms, advertising, and planning events. 

Active Clubs - 2022-2023

Below are the names of the clubs, the club leaders, and either a google form to sign up for the club, or a contact email to reach one of the leaders. Feel free to reach out to any club!

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